Mojstrski tečaj/Master Class

Konzultacije za solo pevce z Marcosom Finkom / Consultations for Solo Singers with Marcos Fink

Od 4. septembra 2017 do 8. septembra 2017
Ljubljana, Glasbena matica, Lajovčeva dvorana

Rok za prijavo/Deadline for application: 18. 8. 2017

Konzultacije za solo pevce so namenjene profesionalnim pevcem in univerzitetnim študentom višjih letnikov, ki obvladajo pevsko tehniko in so že bolj ali manj izoblikovane pevske osebnosti, želijo pa z mednarodno priznanim umetnikom poglobiti študij glasbene in dramske interpretacije ter izboljšati umetniški izraz. Poudarek je na celostnem poznavanju skladbe, tekstni analizi in analizi posameznih vlog s ciljem doseči boljšo komunikacijo glasbene drame na odru. Pri študiju samospevov se spodbuja razvijanje lastne kreativnosti v izražanju različnih vsebin.

Konzultacije potekajo 45 minut, poljubno število ur v tednu in so zaprtega tipa. Pevci ne morejo prisostvovati na urah drugih udeležencev konzultacij, razen v primeru, če jim ti to izrecno dovolijo.


Consultations for solo singers are intended for professional singers and senior university students who have mastered singing technique and are – more or less – fully formed as singers, but have the desire to further enhance their understanding of musical and dramatic interpretation, and improve their artistic expression with the support of an internationally recognised artist. The focus is on a holistic understanding of the composition, a textual analysis, and an analysis of the particular roles with the goal of better communicating the musical drama on the stage. The study of lieder encourages the development of one’s own creativity with the expression of various content.

Individual consultations are 45 minutes long, for any number of lessons per week, and are private in nature, so other singers cannot be present in the lessons unless they have the participant’s explicit permission.


Bas-baritonist Marcos Fink, mednarodno uveljavljen pevec z bogatimi izkušnjami na svetovnih opernih in koncertnih odrih, želi z udeleženci tečaja prodreti predvsem v skrivnosti samospevov (nemški, argentinski, slovenski skladatelji), Bachovih Pasijonov in Mozartovih oper na Da Pontejeve libreta (Figarova svatba, Cosi fan tutte in Don Giovanni) ter drugo literaturo po izbiri pevca. Kot korepetitorka bo na konzultacijah sodelovala pianistka Irina Milivojević. Možno pa je tudi, da se pevec konzultacij udeleži s svojim izbranim pianistom.

Together with course participants, bass-baritone Marcos Fink, an internationally recognised singer with extensive experience from opera and concert halls around the world, would especially like to delve into the secrets of lieder (of German, Argentinean, and Slovene composers), Bach’s Passions, and Mozart’s operas with librettos by Da Ponte (The Marriage of Figaro, Cosi fan tutte, and Don Giovanni), as well as of other works selected by the attending singer. The consultations will be accompanied by pianist Irina Milivojević, but it is also possible to attend the consultations with one’s own personal accompanist.

Pogovor s predavatelji (Pio Brodnik, Barbaro Jernejčič Fürst, Marcosom Finkom) o profesionalni pevski karieri in življenju umetnika – odločitev za pevsko kariero, študij, potrebna znanja in veščine, osebnostne karakteristike, komunikacijske sposobnosti, izzivi in priložnosti samostojnega kulturnega ustvarjalca, sodelovanje z umetniškimi agenturami idr., 30. 8. 2017, 18.00, Ljubljana, Glasbena matica, Lajovčeva dvorana

A discussion with the instructors (Pia Brodnik, Barbara Jernejčič Fürst, and Marcos Fink) about professional singing careers and life as an artist: the deciding on a career in singing, education, the knowledge and skills required, personal qualities, communication skills, the challenges and opportunities for freelance artists, working with agencies for artists, etc.

30 August, 2017, 5:00pm, Glasbena Matica, Lajovčeva Dvorana, Ljubljana

Kotizacija/Fee: 60 EUR / uro (45 minut) / 60 EUR / hour (45 minutes)

Kotizacija se plača na osnovi računa, ki ga izda Glasbena matica sedem dni pred začetkom izobraževanja. Odpoved brez finančnih obveznosti za prijavitelja je možna do 15 dni pred začetkom izobraževanja. V primeru naknadne odpovedi je udeleženec dolžan plačati 75 % kotizacije, razen če je razlog za odpoved zdravstvene narave ali druge objektivne težke okoliščine, ki kandidatu onemogočijo udeležbo na izbranem programu.

The fee is paid based on an invoice issued by Glasbena Matica seven days prior to the beginning of the course. Cancellation without any financial obligations is possible for the applicant up to 15 days before the beginning of the course. In the case of a later cancellation, the participant is obliged to pay 75% of the fee, except if the cancellation is due to health issues or other objective circumstances which prevent the applicant’s participation in the selected programme.